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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Lose 10 Pounds in a Week: 7 Day Diet Plan

The following weight loss regimen was created by an experienced nutritionist and it revolves around whole food nutrition and eating fresh and healthy products every day.

The nutritionist who created this diet plan has her own nutrition clinic where she works with adults and young children towards a healthier lifestyle. She is strongly against weight loss pills and advises everyone that they can cause serious side-effects like diarrhea, nausea and many others.
The diet plan she recommends is guaranteed to help you lose 10-15 pounds if you respect the rules. You just have to watch how much you eat and what you eat.
Before you start the regimen weigh yourself and don’t do it again for a week. That’s the first and most important rule you must abide. The point here is to stay focused on feeling better and not on losing pounds, they will shed off easily. After a week you can weigh yourself again and check how much pounds you’ve lost.
The 7 Day Diet Plan
Day 1
You can eat whatever fruit you want except for bananas. You can choose from a wide variety depending on the season (apples, watermelons, citrus fruit etc.).

Day 2
You can eat any kind of vegetable and you can either eat them raw or cooked (boiled). Prepare yourself a salad or boil them it’s the same. You can add salt and pepper.
Day 3
This day you can combine fruits and veggies, either raw or boiled.
Day 4
You can eat bananas and low-calories soup and drink milk. This is right in the middle of the diet plan so you could be feeling the pressure.
Day 5
On this day you can eat rice, fruits and vegetables.  You’re near the finish line and you can already notice the pounds shedding off. You should start consuming tomatoes because they are excellent fat-burners.
Day 6
You can eat veggies and rice and add in the salads and soup from day 2 and 4.
Day 7
Just like the previous day, continue with the veggies, salads, soup and rice. Keep eating healthy.
During this entire time you need to keep in mind that you have to eat fresh food only.
You should consider the following things before you start any diet plan:
  • Has your physician advised you to lose weight to improve your cardiovascular system?
  • Are you suffering from high blood pressure?
  • Is the excess weight causing you joint pain?
  • Are you small framed or large framed and how tall are you?
  • What is your BMI?
Height and Healthy Weight Chart for Women (Weight in Pounds)
Height (Feet Inches)       Small Frame       Medium Frame Large Frame

4′ 10″     102-111                109-121                118-131
4′ 11″     103-113                111-123                120-134
5′ 0″       104-115                113-126                122-137
5′ 1″       106-118                115-129                125-140
5′ 2″       108-121                118-132                128-143
5′ 3″       111-124                121-135                131-147
5′ 4″       114-127                124-138                134-151
5′ 5″       117-130                127-141                137-155
5′ 6″       120-133                130-144                140-159
5′ 7″       123-136                133-147                143-163
5′ 8″       126-139                136-150                146-167
5′ 9″       129-142                139-153                149-170
5′ 10″     132-145                142-156                152-173
5′ 11″     135-148                145-159                155-176
6′ 0″       138-151                148-162                158-179
Height and Healthy Weight Chart for Men (Weight in Pounds)

Height   Small Frame       Medium Frame Large Frame
5′ 2″       128-134                131-141                138-150
5′ 3″       130-136                133-143                140-153
5′ 4″       132-138                135-145                142-156
5′ 5″       134-140                137-148                144-160
5′ 6″       136-142                139-151                146-164
5′ 7″       138-145                142-154                149-168
5′ 8″       140-148                145-157                152-172
5′ 9″       142-151                148-160                155-176
5′ 10″     144-154                151-163                158-180
5′ 11″     146-157                154-166                161-184
6′ 0″       149-160                157-170                164-188
6′ 1″       152-164                160-174                168-192
6′ 2″       155-168                164-178                172-197
6′ 3″       158-172                167-182                176-202
6′ 4″       162-176                171-187                181-207
Do you know how to calculate your BMI?
  • First measure your height and your weight and divide the weight by the height
  • BMI = Weight (lb) / Height (inches)
  • BMI = Weight (kg) / Height (m)
  • 5 or under: Underweight
  • 5-24.9: Normal
  • 25-29.9: Overweight
  • 30 or above: Obese


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